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AGW Blog

Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

13May 22
From Lab To Label blog

From Lab To Label

Public concern about eating and producing meat has increased considerably over recent years. Driven by a growing interest in the links between our dietary choices, public health, and climate change, the all-too-frequent and ill-informed media headlines and campaigning efforts by interest groups to demonize all meat—regardless of how it’s produced—have landed all of ‘animal agriculture’ in the hot seat. Follow the money In response, opportunistic global agribusinesses are scrambling to produce palatable alternatives to fresh meat to exploit this new…

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14Apr 22

Global First as UK Farm Receives Regenerative Certification by A Greener World

Our team at A Greener World (AGW) is thrilled to announce Challacombe Farm in Devon as the world’s first Certified Regenerative by AGW farm. This innovative certification provides a whole-farm assurance of sustainability, measuring benefits for soil, water, air, biodiversity, infrastructure, animal welfare and social responsibility. As public interest in sustainability continues to increase and broaden in scope, the demand for rigorous, meaningful assurances of responsible farming practices has grown. Building on its successful family of leading labels, AGW’s Certified…

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08Mar 22
Regenerative Farming blog

It’s now or never for regenerative farming

A credible and accessible certification programme is now essential to protect the 'regenerative' claim from misuse and exploitation says Wayne Copp, executive director of A Greener World (AGW) Europe and a North Devon livestock farmer.   Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you cannot have missed the growing coverage of ‘regenerative farming / agriculture’ in the media. While not a new concept (after all, humans have been using ‘regenerative’ practices for thousands of years), ‘regenerative’ is the latest farming…

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16Feb 22

It’s a crazy idea… but can’t we just eat real food?

You might have heard about Veganuary recently, a relatively new campaign held in January and beyond to encourage people to take up a vegan diet. As the Veganuary website states, the ultimate aim is to achieve “a fully vegan world.” Veganuary appears to be piggy-backing on the growing public interest in the links between our dietary choices and climate change, born from years of critical media headlines that “all meat is bad for the environment,” as well as controversial global…

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17Jan 22
What is “Regenerative”? 9 Reasons You Should Care blog

What is “Regenerative”? 9 Reasons You Should Care

Regenerative farming is our best hope for feeding ourselves without destroying the planet. But what does “regenerative” really mean? Here’s our definition—and 9 reasons why you should care about it. To “regenerate” means to be formed or created again, restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state, to generate or produce anew, or to restore to original strength or properties (source: Merriam Webster). At A Greener World, we see regenerative farming as a set of life-promoting practices that improves…

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